Sunday, July 31, 2011

Beauty is Where You See It

A woman looked in a mirror and saw her reflection, just as anyone else might do. Except, in this case, she saw something she did not like. "I never realized I was so homely." She turned away from the mirror and started to weep. She felt nothing can be done to improve her face, so she went about her work and tried to forget it.

When her husband returned from his work, she frowned at him and said, "You tracked in some mud. Why don't you ever remember to wipe your shoes off before you come in?" He quietly said, "I'm sorry." The rest of the evening he noticed she was cross as a bear, but he wasn't sure what to do about it. After another cross word or two from her, he decided not to try to communicate more than necessary and figured she would feel better in the morning.

The next morning, as he shaved, he noticed his long nose and decided his ears were too large also. "No wonder she was so cross, look what she has to see everyday." He sighed, and mumbled to himself, "Not much I can do about it." Soon he took off for work, and so another day began.

Today, when lunch time came, he ate by himself. This started him thinking about his wife being so cross with him yesterday and rather moody this morning even. As he thought about it, he decided perhaps it wasn't his long nose and big ears that was bothering her. "I wonder how long it has been since I told her how much I love her? I guess I expects she knows, but maybe she needs to know I really appreciate all the special things she does." Then he got an idea: "I know, I will bring her home a gift. She needs a new purse, and I saw her looking at one in a store the other day. I will get the one she seemed to like so well."

So, that night when he returned and walked in the door. He said, "Honey, I love you, and I am sorry I failed to tell you this lately. You are so good to me. I hope you will forgive me. I really appreciate all those little special things you do." When he thought about his gift, he smiled. "Oh yes, and here is something for you I believe you will like. I think you really liked it when you saw it the other day, and you deserve something nice." As he handed her the package with the purse, he noticed the suprised look on her face. When she took it out she smiled and said, "Thank you! I am sorry I have been so cross lately. I love you too."

The smile remained on her face the rest of the evening. They had great communication that evening, and their conversation was sweet to their ears. Later on, he hugged his wife and said, "Honey, you know you are beautiful to me." She knew he meant every word. That night as she washed her face before going to bed, she looked in the mirror. "I don't think I am so homely after all." Her smile remained until she fell asleep later.

Copyright 2011, Kathryn D. Search

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