Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Pit

(A Parable or Allegory)

Once two men fell into a pit. This pit was deep, and the sides were quite slick and hard. One man was disabled. In fact, he was paralyzed. He could barely wiggle his fingers. Since the other man was physically fit, he did his best to climb the walls of the pit, but only wore himself out in his attempts.

“I’d help you out if I could only make it myself.” He said to his companion.

“But you can’t.” The other man replied. “There is no use. As far as scaling these walls you are as helpless as I am.”

“I know,” said the fit man, “but what else can we do?”

“The Master is above. Have you called out to him?” “Now and then, but He doesn’t seem to answer.”

The paralyzed one sighed. “I suppose we will have to give up and be resigned to die here in this pit.”

“No, No!” said his companion. “We mustn’t give up. I, for one, have been relying on my own powers too much. We have to have His help.”

“I believe we need to rely entirely on Him. We can do nothing without Him. I am going to call to Him until He answers.” Said the paralyzed one.

“You are right, and I will too.”

So they called and cried aloud. They asked His forgiveness for the times they had hurt Him by their words and actions. They thanked Him for blessing them in the past. And, they plead with Him for deliverance from their terrible pit. They also acknowledged to Him that they were completely dependent on His help. They even confessed to one another for treating each other so poorly in the past. No matter what happened they wanted a clean slate.

“Listen,” said the paralyzed one, “I believe I hear the Master’s voice.”

“Oh yes, I do too.” said the other.

“My dear children,” The Master said. “I have been with you all along.”

“Oh, why didn’t you answer?” The men asked.

“I waited until you were ready–until you realized your complete helplessness without Me, until you hated the pit with a desperation that made you long for delivery with all your heart. Your efforts have actually been quite feeble. For they were not combined with My strength. Your faith was weak, but now that you realize your great need, I can help you.”

“Oh, thank you Master.” They both cried.

“First of all,” said the Master, “Able-body, I want you to help your disabled brother. I will let the rope of My strength down. Please tie this around him.”

“Yes, Master, I will do all You say.”

“Now,” said the Master, “Paralyzed-one, make an attempt to climb the wall.”

“But I can’t move.” He said. “You know I am paralyzed,”

“Never mind that. If you will obey Me and trust Me, I will take care of the results. Put forth your very best effort. Without Me you can do nothing, yet I still expect your best efforts.”

“Yes Lord, I will obey.” He said humbly as he strained to carry out his Master’s wishes. To his surprise his body began to cooperate with his determined effort. Holding on to the rope, he was actually able to scale the walls, and soon he was in his Master’s arms.

All this amazed the other man, and his faith increased as he saw his helpless companion gain the victory over those walls.

“Lord,” he said, “my efforts too were feeble. Though I was more able than he to accomplish the task, I now realize that even with my best efforts, I cannot scale the walls of this terrible pit without Your rope of strength. Please, Master, give me Your strength. I am utterly helpless to escape this pit without it.”

So, two men, with very different temperaments, with different problems, different personal weaknesses, needed the Master (their Saviour and ours) to pull them out of the deep pit of sin. They couldn’t do it without His strength. Nor could they do it successfully without their best efforts.

In the Bible, Jesus told the man at the pool to take up his bed and walk. This man, by faith, was enabled to walk because he obeyed the Master’s command and put forth his best efforts in the process. If we are to be freed from the pit of sin, we must, day by day, trust in the Master, and, at the same time, put forth our best efforts. Yet, we can only be overcomers as we rely on His strength. Because, without the rope of His strength, our best efforts will count for nothing. We will be has helpless as if we were paralyzed.

As you find yourself in a pit of sin, don’t give up. Pray for deliverance. Look to the Master for strength. Believe in His power to deliver you, show your faith by your own best effort. Without Him you can do nothing. All your best efforts will avail nothing. Yet, they are necessary and will prove you are really trusting Him. Then your obedience will reveal your decision to do His will. Thus, He can give you strength and victory.


Copyright 2000, Kathryn D. Search

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